Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Legal issues

What are some legal issues with designer babies?

1.) Ownership- Whose baby is it if you don't use your eggs or your husband's sperm. Technically it would be whosever egg or sperm it was. Most people think that it is their baby if they carried it. It would be if they did it the way that God planned.

2.)Divorce- If a couple is getting a divorce and the woman wants to get an embryos implanted and the husband doesn't then who gets to decide? If a couple is getting divorced then the man usually does not want the woman to get pregnant because the man doesn't want to have to pay for child support.

3.) What happens if the wrong embryos is planted in the mother? This has happened plenty of times. here is a story of when it actually happened.

This is crazy!


  1. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for putting the time and effort into this blog.

  2. Just to be sure is it ok if I use your links if I give credit to your blog??

  3. Thank you! NOOO you cannot!! JK go ahead. 😄😂
